Are Dental Implants Worth the Surgery?

Looking into tooth replacement options for your missing teeth can be overwhelming. With so many options, it may be difficult to find a place to start. However, dental implants can replace your teeth and their roots permanently, giving you back your smile. However, one Dental Implantsimportant question remains: Are dental implants worth the surgery? Find out the answer to this question and more with help from your Camden County area dentist at Sullivan and Turner in Somerdale, NJ.

Dental Implants in Camden County
The implant process begins with an initial consultation. This is your time to ask questions and address any concerns you may have. It is also the time to discuss reasonable expectations for your results, how the surgery and healing process works and to determine if you are, in fact, a good candidate for the procedure. Your doctor takes a mold of your mouth to send to the dental laboratory. The dental technicians use this mold as a basis for designing your new replacement teeth. At the surgery itself, your dentist implants small, titanium posts called fixtures into your jawbone. Over the next few months, the fixtures integrate into the bone, becoming a permanent part of your mouth. After successful integration, you will see your dentist again so he or she can attach the replacement teeth to the fixtures, completing your implant.

Are dental implants worth the surgery? 
While there are other, less invasive tooth replacement options, dental implants are the closest thing you can get to a real tooth. Your implant will feel and function just like your natural teeth, allowing you the freedom you had before your gaps to eat what you want, laugh without a hand over your mouth, and feel great about your smile and, in turn, yourself. While this procedure is much more complex than, for example, placing a dental bridge, implants are built to last a lifetime. This means undergoing surgery once to achieve a smile you will love for many years to come.

How do I care for my implants? 
You will receive instructions from your dentist on how to care for your teeth during the healing process. With your implants complete, you should go about your oral care routine as you normally would. Simply brush twice daily for at least two minutes and floss at least once a day. See your dentist for regular dental examinations and cleanings to keep your natural teeth and implants alike healthy and clean.

For more information on dental implants in the Camden County area, please contact Dr. Joseph Sullivan, Dr. Jeffrey Turnerand Dr. Jonathan Limberakisat Sullivan and Turner in Somerdale, NJ. Call (856) 784-3440 to schedule your consultation for this revolutionary tooth replacement option today!